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Using service terms to dynamically create relevant contracts
Using service terms to dynamically create relevant contracts

If you have terms and conditions you only want to include in a contract when a specific service is included, use service terms.

Lizzie Rutledge avatar
Written by Lizzie Rutledge
Updated over 10 months ago

Service descriptions 

Services are the building blocks of proposals in Ignition. The service description is designed to showcase your deliverables, timeframe, software, and limitations. It's essentially a clear description of your value proposition.

Below you can see our Accounting services - Basic Annual Accounting Service as an example of a good service description. 

Service terms

To keep your descriptions clear of generic terms and conditions, we’ve built out a separate section for your service terms that will dynamically pull into your engagement letter if the service is included in the proposal.

Service terms are where the "legalese" or the terms of the specific service will live.

We can see in the first line of the terms:

  • Note, any items listed in the service for this item that has not been lodged in the previous periods may require an amended engagement for the additional work.

The above clearly defines what is out of scope for the particular service. Thus, we are setting good expectations for the client to receive the Basic Annual Accounting service.

Now, a client who is not getting the Basic Annual Accounting service in their proposal would not need to see these terms in their engagement letter.

This means it's appropriate to add the additional text in at the service terms level since they will only see those terms if the service is included in the proposal. 

How do service terms get added into the engagement letter?

The service terms will appear at the end of the engagement letter as an addendum, but only if the proposal contains services that have service terms.

If a proposal does not have services with service terms, the section will not appear.

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