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Ignition and Sage

Learn how to use the Sage integration to map your clients, sync data and create invoices automatically when a proposal is accepted.

Nicole Baptiste avatar
Written by Nicole Baptiste
Updated over 2 weeks ago

The Sage integration is only available in the UK.

Connecting Sage to your Ignition account allows you to automatically generate upfront/on completion or monthly recurring invoices in Sage from a proposal or instant bill in Ignition.

Please note: We currently only can connect with Sage Business Cloud - Sage Accounting.

Connecting your account

  1. Navigate to the Apps page and click on the Sage tile

  2. Click on Connect your account which will launch a pop-up modal requesting sign-in

  3. Once logged into Sage Business Cloud Accounting, you will be prompted to authorise the connection between Ignition and Sage

  4. Select the company file you want to connect to. You'll see a list of all the companies your user has access to

  5. Confirm the App settings and click Enable app

App settings

Invoice settings

Create Invoices

Controls whether invoices will deploy to Sage by default on all newly created Ignition clients. You can change this on a client basis through the Invoices tab when viewing a specific client.

Default Sales Account

Choose which default sales account you would like your services to link to by default. This can be later changed within each service item you create in the Service Library.

If you have different sales accounts set-up for each service item you offer, this can be customised by mapping each service to the specific Sage account in the Service Library.

Include Service Descriptions

Controls whether to display service descriptions set on your proposals on your invoices. Some important considerations:

  • Ensure your service descriptions aren't too long - or you will end up with a 10 page invoice!

  • Invoice descriptions only allow for plain text - However, Ignition Service Descriptions allow for some formatting. Avoid using advanced formatting in Ignition service descriptions (e.g. tables) as they won't transfer to invoice descriptions. Alternately, put tables etc in "included" services - as these are not used on invoices.

Invoice Terms

  • Manual Invoice Terms - This will set the due date on your invoices to that number of days after your invoice date for any non-recurring invoices. Eg. If 0 is entered, then for an upfront invoice, the due date will be the same day as the invoice day.

  • Automatic Invoice Terms - This will set the due date on your recurring invoices to that number of days after your default company invoice day.

Tax rate mapping

Linking your accounting ledger tax rates to Ignition

When you connect Sage to Ignition, you'll need to map tax rates in the accounting ledger to tax rates in Ignition. This allows Ignition to apply the correct tax rates when invoices are created in your ledger.

You'll only have to map tax rates that have been added in Ignition, not all the rates in the ledger. Click here for some more information around configuring your tax rates!

Be sure to click the orange Save button after you are done!

Client creation and sync

Convert Sage clients into Ignition clients

If you would like to import your Sage clients to and convert them Ignition client, navigate to Clients → App clients → Connected app.

The Import screen will list all of your clients in Sage.

Click a client to convert it to an Ignition client or link it to an existing Ignition client to set up automatic syncing.

If you convert an app client to an Ignition client, Ignition will first check for any potential matches in Ignition to prevent duplicate clients.

If a duplicate is detected because of a matching email address or the same client name, you'll have the opportunity to link your app client with that Ignition client instead of converting them.

Please note: There has to be an exact match of the client name or email address in order for Ignition to raise the potential duplicate.

Linking to an existing Ignition client

The benefit of linking an app client to an existing Ignition client is to prevent duplicate clients in both systems which can get tedious to fix.

To link your Sage clients to an Ignition client, navigate to Clients → App clients → Connected app → Import.

Find and select the clients you would like to link → select Next → select Link to Ignition client, Import as New or Don't Import.

Importing Sage client while creating a proposal

If clients already exist in Sage, when creating a new proposal you can search your Sage clients from the dropdown.

Once selected, make sure to Save client before continuing.

Once saved, Ignition will begin to sync names if you have this setting enabled.

Mapping to existing contacts

Ignition uses the Client Name to determine if a new client should be created in Sage.

If the Client Name in Ignition exactly matches a Client Name in Sage, then Ignition will assign all invoices to that existing client.

When creating a new client in Ignition, you can ‘map’ the Ignition client record to an existing Sage record so that any new invoices generated from Ignition will link to that existing client.

If the spelling/formatting of the client name in Sage e.g. Acme Co Ltd is different to what is in Ignition Acme Co Limited, these two clients can be linked together so the invoices will be generated under the existing client and avoid creating a duplicate client record in Sage.

To do this, simply click into Clients → Select the Client → Edit Client → Apps Tab > App Client Mapping → Select the Sage client you want to map to.

Creating new Sage contacts

If you create a client in Ignition that does not match any existing Sage contacts, Ignition will create a new record in Sage when the first invoice is created for this client.

Client sync

New clients created in Sage will sync to Ignition once per day, and will be made available in the dropdown from the proposal editor. If you've created a client in Sage and would like to create a proposal for them immediately, navigate to the Apps tab and click the manual Sync button.

Linking services in your library to your chart of accounts

Services in your library by default will be mapped to the Default Sales Account as nominated in your invoice settings.

You can nominate specific sales accounts to each service so that you can allocate revenue to this account from invoices raised from Ignition.

Invoices will automatically create in your ledger if the Create Invoice settings is turned on. Clicking on the invoice number will navigate to the invoices page in Sage where you can search for your invoices.

Once an invoice has been raised in Sage, revenue from the service line item will be attributed to the nominated Account.

For guidance on marking invoices as paid in Sage, check out this Sage help article!

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