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Ignition and Zapier

Learn how you can integrate with hundreds of other apps by combining Ignition with Zapier

Nick Dainty avatar
Written by Nick Dainty
Updated over 8 months ago

Using Zapier you can connect and sync data between Ignition and other products you use, like Slack, Mailchimp, Pipedrive and hundreds of others.

Key features

Zapier provides triggers and actions for each product that it supports, including Ignition.

A Zap combines a trigger from one product with an action in another. Whenever the trigger occurs, Zapier automatically completes the action for you.

You can use any of the following Ignition triggers and actions to connect with other products using Zapier.

Ignition Triggers

  • Proposal Accepted - Triggers when a proposal is accepted by a client or on their behalf.

  • Service Accepted by Client - Triggers for each service that is accepted as part of a proposal. For example, a proposal containing two services would cause this trigger to run twice, once for each service.

  • Classic Proposal State Changed - Triggers when any Classic Proposal status change occurs. (e.g. from Draft to In Review, from Active to Completed...etc)

  • Proposal Saved as Draft - Triggers when a New Proposal is saved as a Draft (only triggers for the first time you save the proposal)

  • Proposal Moved To Awaiting Acceptance - Triggers when a New Proposal status changes to Awaiting Acceptance (both manually and also when sending a proposal)

  • Proposal Revoked - Triggers when a New Proposal is Revoked.

  • Proposal Marked as Lost - Triggers when a New Proposal is marked as Lost.

  • Proposal Archived - Triggers when a New Proposal is Archived.

Ignition Actions

  • Create Client - Lets you create a new Client in Ignition.

Sign up for a Zapier account

To get started you'll need a Zapier account. 

To sign up for a free account, go to the Zapier website.

If you already have an account, you can skip this step.

How to build Zaps

A Zap is a an automated workflow that connects a trigger to one or more actions.

Using Zap templates to get started

The easiest way to get started with Zapier is to use a pre-built Zap template.

Click the button above, and browse the templates. If you find something you'd like to use, click "Try It" to get started.

Creating Zaps from scratch

To access the full power of Zapier and all the available integrations, you'll need to create Zaps from scratch. Log in to your Zapier account and click "Make A Zap!" to get started.

To learn more about creating Zaps, you may want to take a look at this page from the "Getting Started with Zapier" guide.

Managing Zapier users

You can see which users have connected to Zapier from within Ignition. Your Ignition account must be an Administrator in order for you to do this.

Go to Apps and click on Zapier. You'll see a list of users that have connected Zapier to your Ignition account:

You can choose to Revoke their access if required. This will break any active Zaps that they have created.

Have questions or need help?

If you have suggestions for additional actions or triggers please let us know at We'd also love to hear how you're using Zapier with Ignition.

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