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The Weekly Summary Email

View a preview of the weekly summary email, which arrives in your inbox every Monday morning

Tom Maxwell avatar
Written by Tom Maxwell
Updated over 5 months ago

We recommend that you subscribe to the weekly summary email, which arrives in your inbox every Monday morning. The principal user of your account will be automatically subscribed to this email. 

To check your subscription status, navigate to Settings → Users and click on your user profile. Alternatively you can click your account → My Profile in the top right hand corner of your screen.

Then, navigate to Notifications → Subscribe to weekly summary.

We encourage all Ignition users to be subscribed to the weekly summary email, however if it becomes too noisy, users can unsubscribe directly on the email or via the method above.

What is included in the weekly summary email?

The following sections are included in every email:

  1. All new proposals accepted in the last week (both Classic and New Proposals)

  2. All adjusted proposals accepted in the last week (only Classic proposals)

  3. All proposals still in awaiting acceptance (both Classic and New Proposals)

  4. All rejected (failed) payments that have not been resolved

  5. All client credit cards that are expiring soon (inside the next month) or have already expired.

  6. All proposals ending soon (only New Proposals)

  7. All services expiring soon (only New Proposals)

  8. All proposals due for renewal/price increase (only New Proposals)

If there is no data to display (for example, you have no rejected payments), the relevant sections will be excluded.

Each section includes an option to download a CSV of the data, for easy reference. 

*Please note that Classic Proposals that have CRB (Continuous Recurring Billing) will be excluded from the Weekly Summary's report of expiring proposals. You can generate this list (proposals with CRB) by manually applying the filter "Continuous Recurring Billing" to all Active proposals and then generating this report in the Pipeline → Classic Proposals → Export button.

You can learn more about Continuous Recurring Billing here!

An Example Weekly Summary Email

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