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My jobs Aren't Being Created In Xero Practice Manager

How to troubleshoot jobs not being sent between Ignition and Xero Practice Manager (XPM)

Nick Dainty avatar
Written by Nick Dainty
Updated over a week ago

If your jobs are not being created in Xero Practice Manager (XPM), there may be a few causes:

Your proposal isn't accepted yet

Jobs are only sent to XPM after a proposal is accepted. There may also be a short delay after acceptance for the job to appear - try to refresh the jobs tab on the active proposal a few times, the job number will usually appear after a few minutes, but it may take longer. Click on the job number for quick access to that job from Ignition.

Your integration may be disabled on your account

Check your integration with Xero Practice Manager is enabled on your account.

Go to Apps (in the left menu) and check the toggle below Xero Practice Manager is enabled (green).

Your integration may be disabled on your proposal

Sometimes the proposal-level toggle can be disabled, even if the account-level integration is turned on. You will find this proposal-level control when making a Proposal in the Apps tab. 

If your proposal is still in draft, in review or awaiting acceptance, you can check this setting by editing the proposal and going to the Apps tab inside the proposal.

If your proposal is accepted (active), then you can check this setting in the Jobs tab of the active proposal and enable the toggle to Send Jobs to Xero Practice Manager if it is disabled. You will then also have the option to send any unsent jobs to XPM if there are any by clicking the button.

The client associated with the proposal has been deleted in XPM

Jobs will only deploy if the client associated with the Ignition proposal is active in XPM. This may cause problems if duplicates have been merged or deleted in XPM. To find out if a proposals client is affected by this, you can identify the client ID of the client in Ignition and XPM, have a look at this article to show you how.

If you identify that the proposal is associated with a client no longer in XPM, you will have to contact our support team. Be sure you have the new client ID details from XPM to provide.

My jobs have deployed, but aren't structured how I want them

Please review our article on Creating Jobs within Proposals for details of how to structure your jobs in your proposals or Linking XPM Job Templates to Services for more information on structuring and linking XPM job templates.

If you have any questions please email us at

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