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Notify A Partner When A Proposal Needs To Be Reviewed
Tom Maxwell avatar
Written by Tom Maxwell
Updated over a week ago

Note: This article specifically relates to the classic proposal editor

In this example we will look at how to use the Classic Proposal State Change trigger to create automation with Ignition and email via Zapier.

If you wish to enable this for New Proposals, please replace the Classic Proposal State Change trigger with the collection of new triggers here.

In this example, we are using 2 apps: Ignition, and Email by Zapier. We are also using Filter By Zapier to ensure that an email only sends when a proposal moves from Draft to In Review. Without the filter, an email would send for every single status change in Ignition.

These are the steps we'll automate with this Zap:

(1) Ignition

A team member will create a proposal in Ignition. If needed, they will create a new client, directly from the proposal screen:

The team member will add all the client details necessary, ensuring that they assign a Partner to the client (note: if the client already exists in Ignition, the team member can check if a partner is assigned by clicking "Add or edit contacts"):

The team member finishes and hits "Create Proposal". The proposal state will be "Draft". They want to send the proposal to a partner or manager to review the proposal before it's sent to the client. The team member will click on actions and select "Mark for review".

(2) Email by Zapier (or Gmail/Office 365)

Provided that the proposal meets the following criteria:

  1. The proposal moved from Draft to In Review 

  2. The client has an assigned Partner. 

Zapier will use it's built-in "Email by Zapier" app to send an automatic email to the assigned Partner, complete with a direct link to the proposal:

How to build this Zap

Step 1 - Ignition > Proposal State Changed
In Zapier, create a new Zap, search for Ignition, and choose the "Proposal State Changed" Trigger. Connect your account, and test (hint: make sure you've just moved a proposal from draft to In Review in your account, in order to test properly)

Step 2 - Filter By Zapier - Only Continue If...

Next, search for the Filter By Zapier app. Choose the only option (Only Continue If...)
and match the following rules:

Ignition FIELD: From CRITERIA: (Text) Exactly Matches TEXT: Draft
Ignition FIELD: To CRITERIA: (Text) Exactly Matches TEXT: In_Review 

(note you must have have underscore for In_Review)

Step 3 - Email by Zapier - Send Outbound Email

Next, search for the Email By Zapier app, Choose the only option (Send Outbound Email), and then start editing the template.

Alternatively, you can use Gmail or Office365 if you use either platform.

There are three required fields:

To: This is who the email will be sent to. In this field you'll select the "Client Partner Email" Placeholder from the Ignition dropdown. Note: if you can't see the client partner email as an option, it's because the partner isn't assigned to your sample proposal. You can go into Ignition, assign the partner to the client, and then refresh the fields in Zapier. 

Subject: This will be the email subject line. If you like, simply copy the following text (and add the Client Name Placeholder where indicated) into this field:


It'll then look like this in Zapier:

Body (HTML or plain): This will be the message in the body of the email. If you like, you can copy the following message (feel free to change any text and ensure you add the suggested placeholders as indicated)


<p>The propsal for <REPLACE WITH CLIENT NAME PLACEHOLDER> is ready for review in Ignition. Please click the following link to go straight to the proposal: <REPLACE WITH PROPOSAL URL PLACEHOLDER></p>
<p>To preview what the client sees, click on the "View Client Accept page" Link on the right hand side of the screen.</p>
<p><strong>Next Steps:</strong></p>
<p><strong>&nbsp;- If the proposal is ready to send:&nbsp;</strong>Click on Actions&gt;Send to client</p>
<p>&nbsp;-<strong> If the proposal needs to be edited: </strong>Click on&nbsp;Edit proposal and make changes or notify me with the changes you'd like to see in the proposal. </p>

which will look like this in Zapier:

You'll note that the {{Placeholders}} will take care of automating the information you'd like to share, such as the client name and Proposal URL. 

Finally we also suggest the following optional fields:

From name: otherwise, the email will come from
Reply to: otherwise, reply emails will just go back to the person who is logged in to Zapier.

Turn on your Zap ⚡

Once you've created the steps above for your Zap, you can turn it on, and create a sample proposal in Ignition following the scenario above to ensure it's working properly. 

If you get stuck or need a hand you can reach Ignition support at

That's it! You now have an automatic review notification system for Ignition! 

Happy Zapping 🚀

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