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View your proposal, intro and next step messages exactly how your client will view it - right before you send it!

Nicole Baptiste avatar
Written by Nicole Baptiste
Updated over 12 months ago


The Presentation tab allows you to customize and preview the presentation of the proposal to your client.

Introduction page

Here, you have the options to:

  • Select a user for communications to appear from

  • Add an intro message from a template or create a custom message

  • Attach an introduction video (only on Pro, Pro+ or Scale plans)

  • Attach a brochure (if you are on our Pro, Pro+ or Scale plans, your default brochure will be automatically attached)

Pricing page

Edit the settings for how your proposal will display for clients. The right-hand side of the page shows you a dynamic preview of the proposal that will change depending on the options that you choose in the proposal.

Show per service price

Enable this setting to show line item prices for each service on the client acceptance page. Use this if you want to show how services contribute to a total price.

Show one-off and deposit services as "Billed on completion"

Enable this setting to show all one-time and deposit services as on completion (this excludes any on-acceptance services).

This is turned ON as default to ensure that your client doesn't see specific dates for one-time billings.

From an admin perspective, these dates will still be used to remind you when clients are due for billing.

Show the minimum price to pay over the contract period

When enabled, your clients will see the minimum value of the proposal over the term of the engagement.

If you would like to preview this from the client's perspective, simply click Preview in the top right-hand corner.

This opens up a new page where you can see the proposal exactly as is from your client's perspective!

Note: Your clients can also view the proposal on their mobile - see below.

Intro and Next Steps messages

Save time and drive efficiency by creating message templates and using Placeholders to dynamically populate client details in your messages. Add a customized Intro message that will act as the first page of your proposal and a customized Next Step message which appears after they accept the proposal. Choose from a template or create a custom message.

πŸ’‘ Pro-tip: If you are using Ignition payments, call out what your client will see on their bank statements in your Next Steps message to help prevent any disputes!
Example sentence:

Payment will automatically collect through Ignition and will appear on your bank statement as [INSERT PAYMENT DESCRIPTOR HERE] or IGNITIONPAY depending on your bank.

Additionally, you can add a video to either step to accompany the messaging. Similarly, you will see a preview of this on the right-hand side once you add a video. Please note: The personalized video feature is only available if you are on our Pro, Pro+ or Scale plans!

If you want to start using the video feature but don't know where to start, click this article for some tips and tricks!


If you are on one of our Pro, Pro+ or Scale plans, you also have the option of selecting the specific proposal email notification template of your choice (only if you have created these in your Template Library).

This is the email that your client receives with the link to view their proposal. Click Preview to see a preview of the notification email that your client will receive.

You also have the ability to Email a Copy of the proposal notification email with read-only access as well.

Please note: This function will send a 'read only' copy of the proposal in an email to the recipients you enter here - they will not be able to accept the proposal.

Once we're happy with the presentation, we can go ahead and send the proposal.

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