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The New Proposal Editor and Zapier

There are some minor differences in how the New Proposal Editor and Zapier work together.

Pat Kuo avatar
Written by Pat Kuo
Updated over 8 months ago

The New Proposal Editor and Zapier

There are some important differences in the way that Zapier functions within classic proposals and new proposals which this article will address.

New Proposal State Triggers

The Proposal State Changed trigger has now been separated into different triggers for each state change.

This will make it easier when building Zaps since you are less likely to need the filter step!

  • Proposal Saved as Draft - Triggers when a New Proposal is saved as a Draft (only triggers for the first time you save the proposal)

  • Proposal Moved To Awaiting Acceptance - Triggers when a New Proposal status changes to Awaiting Acceptance (both manually and also when sending a proposal)

  • Proposal Revoked - Triggers when a New Proposal is Revoked.

  • Proposal Marked as Lost - Triggers when a New Proposal is marked as Lost.

  • Proposal Archived - Triggers when a New Proposal is Archived.

  • Proposal Accepted - Triggers when a New or Classic Proposal is Accepted.

  • Proposal Completed - Triggers when a Proposal is Completed.

New fields for the Zap data

  • Proposal Reference - This is the reference number for the NPE proposal (e.g. PROP-0001)

  • Sent - Indicates if the proposal was sent to the client or not when it is moved to Awaiting Acceptance (for the Moved to Awaiting Acceptance trigger only)

Service Accepted by Client Trigger

There are some new fields that have been added to the Service Accepted by Client trigger, which are listed below:

  • Start Billing

  • End Billing

  • Recurring Period

Start Billing = The date in which the service will start to be billed. There will always be a date provided for this field.

End Billing = The date in which the service will stop being billed. This will be blank if continuous billing is enabled or if a one time billing frequency is being used.

Recurring Period = How often the service is billed. This will be blank if a one time billing frequency is being used. Examples include every week, every 2 weeks, every month, every quarter...etc

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