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Import and edit your clients in bulk

Import and edit your clients in bulk by using our import/export CSV file. Learn more about what fields you can change!

Pat Kuo avatar
Written by Pat Kuo
Updated over 5 months ago


If you have connected your account to Xero, QuickBooks or Xero Practice Manager, you can already access all of your clients in that system when creating a proposal.

However, if you need to bulk import or bulk edit your clients and their details you can do so by utilizing our CSV import/export file.

Importing your clients in bulk

1. Navigate to your Clients tab on the left hand menu and click on Import.

2. This will bring out a slider from the right hand side. From here, click download Client Import Template to download a CSV file of the import template.

3. Open the CSV file and enter the data under the required columns below.

Each client row MUST have at least these three columns filled in:

  • Client Name

  • Contact Name

  • Contact Email

Otherwise, the import will fail if even one of these fields is left blank.

Note: If you are on a Pro, Pro+ or Scale plan and have Xero connected, you'll have access to import the Xero tracking categories as well in the last two columns.

Please note: DO NOT DELETE the top row of the CSV file as this is vital for the import to work.

Enter your client's details on each row. Remember to leave the Client ID and Contact ID columns blank if you want to import them as a brand new client.

❗ WARNING: If you import the same CSV file again with no Client ID’s populated, Ignition will assume that you want to create these clients from scratch and essentially duplicate your client list.

Adding multiple contacts to one NEW client

If you need to add multiple contacts to one new client, ensure that you use the exact same name in the Client Name field. You can simply copy and paste the client name in another line to minimize errors.

Remember to leave the Client ID empty!

(Click image to enlarge)

4. Once you're done filling out the CSV file, save the file and drag it to the import window.

5. The importer will let you know how many clients will be imported from the CSV. The importer will also show if there are any errors found in your CSV.

Once this is uploaded successfully, click on Import Clients to begin the import.

Editing your clients in bulk

1. Navigate to your Clients tab on the left-hand menu and click on Export → Clients. This will generate a CSV file that is sent to your email address.

2. Download the CSV file from your email and open the spreadsheet.

3. Make changes to any field that you like. Refer to the Editable columns and data section to learn more.

❗ IMPORTANT NOTE: If you have already uploaded your CSV file and wish to make additional changes, ensure that you export a new CSV file with updated data. This is to prevent duplicate clients or unwanted changes that may occur due to user error.

Adding multiple contacts to an EXISTING client

In your client export CSV file, you can add additional contacts under a single client record.

To do this, you will need to copy and paste the relevant Client ID in a new row and then add the new contact details, whilst leaving the Contact ID empty.

This is useful especially if you are preparing to utilize our multiple signatures feature.

See this example below:

(Click image to enlarge)

Editable columns and data

There are a number of editable columns in the CSV import/export file.

Please note the special cases below:

  • Client ID - If this is empty, Ignition will create a new client record. If updating an existing client, the Client ID must match or the import will fail to validate.

  • Contact Salutation - Add titles or honorifics (e.g., Mr., Ms., Dr.) to personalize greetings in communications.

  • Contact Addressee - Assign a name or title used to address a person directly, typically including their full name or formal title.

  • Partner Email - You must have the Partner added as a user in your Ignition account. You will also need to ensure that you enter the correct email address

  • Manager Email - You must have the Manager added as a user in your Ignition account. You will also need to ensure that you enter the correct email address

  • Contact ID - If this field is empty, Ignition will create a new contact record under that client. If updating an existing contact, the Contact ID must match or the import will fail to validate

  • Contact Is Recipient - (Yes/No) Notes whether the contact is a recipient for any client emails that have been enabled.

  • Is Signatory - (Yes/No) Designate who is the primary signatory. Can be changed within the client file or proposal editor as needed.

  • Notes - A text field to add any notes to the client file

  • Fiscal Period End Day & Month - Add the fiscal end date for the client

  • Is Default Contact - Assign a default contact by entering Yes in this field. If no default contacts are specified in the CSV file, no default contacts will be assigned. If you have added multiple contacts in your CSV file when uploading and have entered Yes in every field, Ignition will assign the last contact known

  • Created At - Notes when this client was created. Unable to changed

  • Tag List - Enter multiple tags with a comma and space (e.g. Tag1, Tag 2, Tag3)

  • Proposal List - Notes what classic proposals this client has. Unable to be changed.

  • Xero ID - Xero client mapping if imported from a Xero account. Unable to be changed.

  • XPM ID - Xero Practice Manager client mapping if imported from XPM. Unable to be changed.

  • Quickbooks ID - Quickbooks client mapping if imported from a QuickBooks account. Unable to be changed.

  • Payment Portal Link - The unique payments link for that client. Unable to be changed.

  • Xero Tracking Category 1 & 2 - Notes the Xero Tracking Categories. Ensure that the tracking category names are an exact match to update them in bulk. Learn more.

  • Bank Account Saved? - Notes whether a Bank Account has been saved as a payment method under that client

  • Card Saved? - Notes whether a Credit Card has been saved as a payment method under that client

  • Create invoices? (Yes/No) - Notes whether the 'Create Invoices' setting is enabled or disabled when creating or editing a client. When editing a client, if this field is left blank then the setting will not be updated.

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