If you wish to bill your client so they are required to pay you upfront, Ignition allows you to do so using the On Acceptance billing type.
When should I use this billing type?
There are two scenarios where you could use this billing type:
If you'd like to collect payment for a one-time service before the work commences, use On Acceptance.ย
If you'd like to collect an initial retainer or a deposit for multiple services in a single proposal, you may want to set up a retainer/deposit service using the On Acceptance billing type.ย
When will an invoice be generated?
If Xero or QuickBooks is integrated, Ignition will create an invoice as soon as the client accepts the proposal.
When will payment be collected?
If payments are enabled in your Ignition account, you can set payment to be collected immediately, or X number of days after the invoice is raised.
Note: Even if the start date is in the future, an On Acceptance service within a proposal will create an invoice as soon as the proposal is accepted, regardless of the start date being in the future.