Quick filters give you a standard view of your proposals, but there may be instances where you want to narrow these results even further, or create a completely custom view that makes sense for your processes.
Use the More Filters button to apply additional filters to help you hone in on more detail about what you want to filter for.
Filter Categories
There are a two different filter categories:
The tables below indicate what they are and how to use them.
Field | Definition |
Accepted at date | Date proposal is accepted |
Are payments enabled | Were payments added to this proposal? (e.g. Yes/No) |
Creation date | Date proposal is created (e.g. 17/03/2024) |
Creator | User who created the proposal |
Effective Start Date | Sets the contract effectiveness date |
Expiry date | Sets the anniversary date at a service level (e.g. 30/06/2024) |
Has been viewed by client | Date proposal viewed by client |
Has moved to awaiting acceptance | If the proposal was moved to awaiting acceptance (e.g. Yes/No) |
Is billing indefinitely | When there is more than one 'active' service originating from the proposal with indefinite billing (e.g. Yes/No) |
Is payment required | Is payment required enabled (e.g. Yes/No) |
Lost at date | Date proposal was marked as lost |
Minimum term | Used as an anniversary date (e.g. 12 months) |
Minimum value | Calculated value of fixed services across the minimum term (e.g. $1,000) |
Number of active services | Number of services that are still active originating from a proposal (e.g. Any numerical value 0-X) |
Number of reminders sent | Number of reminders sent to client |
Payment type | Payment type enabled on proposal |
Proposal Name | Free text up to 50 characters (e.g Bookkeeping & Accounting) |
Proposal reference | Unique reference for the practice used to identify proposals (e.g. PROP-4206) |
Recent activity date | Proposal created, sent or accepted date (for Recent segment sort). (e.g. 01/07/2024) |
Sent by | User who sent the proposal |
Sent date | Date proposal is last sent to client |
Service name | Services created in a Draft, Awaiting Acceptance, Accepted, Lost proposal (e.g. Accounting Services) |
Status | Status of the proposal (e.g. Draft, Awaiting Acceptance, Accepted, Completed, Lost) |
Terms template | Name of Terms template used (e.g. Industry Standard Engagement Terms) |
Viewed by client date | Date the proposal was viewed by the client (e.g. 17/03/2024) |
Field | Definition |
Client group name | Group set at the client level from XPM client sync (e.g. Hogwarts) |
Client name | Name of the client record (e.g. Ollivanders) |
Client tags | Free text fields used to group clients (e.g. Seattle, Bookkeeper...etc) |
Manager | User set as Client Manager (e.g. Minerva McGonagall) |
Partner | User set as Client Partner (e.g. Albus Dumbledore) |
Primary contact email | Email related to the primary contact of the proposal (e.g. admin@ollivanders.com) |