If you want more detailed data your current proposals view, you can export your proposals view to a CSV file to dive into deeper reporting and analysis!
How to export your Proposals view
The Proposals export will generate a CSV file based on the current filters applied in your view.
Simply apply any filter you wish and click Export when you are ready.
The CSV file will be automatically sent to your email.
Note: To export all results, ensure you select the quick filter "ALL".
Please note: If you need to export Classic Proposals, please navigate to the Proposals tab β Export. If you do not know what Classic Proposals are, please ignore this message.
Data included in the CSV export
Field | Definition |
Proposal Reference | Unique reference for the practice used to identify proposals |
Proposal Name | Free text up to 50 characters |
Proposal State | Status of the proposal |
Client ID | Unique client id |
Client Reference | Unique client reference for the practice |
Client Name | Name of the client record |
Primary Contact Email | Email related to the primary contact of the proposal |
Contact Mobile | Default contact phone number |
Group Name | Group set at the client level from XPM client sync |
Proposal Created At | Date proposal is created |
Effective Start Date | Sets the contract effectiveness date |
Renewal Date | The anniversary date set by the minimum contract length |
Proposal Last Sent At | Date proposal is last sent to client |
Proposal Accepted At | Date proposal is accepted |
Proposal Accepted By | Email of last signatory to sign proposal before acceptance |
Acceptance IP Address | IP address of the user that has accepted the proposal |
Client Partner | User set as Client Partner |
Client Manager | User set as Client Manager |
Minimum Term | The minimum term of the proposal, used as an anniversary date |
Minimum Value (total) | Calculated value of fixed services across the minimum term |
Minimum Value (automatic) | Calculated value of fixed services with automatic billing across the minimum term |
Minimum Value (manual) | Calculated value of fixed services with manual billing across the minimum term |
Payments enabled | Were payments added to this proposal? |
Services | Services created in a Draft, Awaiting Acceptance, Accepted, Lost proposal |
Email template | Name of email template used |
Terms Template | Name of Terms template used |
Client Proposal View Link | Link which directs to the client portal |
Proposal Link | Link which opens the proposal summary drawer |
Indefinite billing | When there is more than one 'active' service originating from the proposal with indefinite billing |
Client Tags | Free text fields used to group clients |
Number of signatories | The number of signatories that need to sign in order for the proposal to be accepted |
Proposal Created By | User who created the proposal |
Proposal moved to awaiting acceptance | If the proposal was moved to awaiting acceptance |
Proposal Sent By | User who sent the proposal |
Proposal Sent Count | Number of times proposal sent to client |
Reminder Sent Count | Number of reminders sent to client |
Proposal Viewed by client at | Date the proposal was viewed by the client |
Email Opened by client at | Date the email was last opened by the client |
Proposal Marked as Lost At | Date proposal was marked as lost |
Proposal Marked as Lost By | User who marked proposal as lost |
Number of active services | Number of services that are still active originating from a proposal |
Payment Required | Is payment required enabled |
Payment Type | Payment type enabled on proposal |
Accepted on behalf of the client | Was this proposal accepted on behalf of the client? |
Accepted on behalf of the client by | User who accepted on behalf of client |
Accepted on behalf of the client reason | Text reason why |
Options | Proposal contains options (Yes/No) |
Options selected | The option that was accepted by the client (1 - 3) |
Create Invoices | Is the create invoices toggle enabled at the client level |
Overdue Manual Billing | Proposal with services where manual billing is overdue |
Proposal Slug | Proposal slug used to identify the proposal |