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Proposal review process

Draft proposals can be marked as Request review for a partner to review, edit and approve on the Scale & Pro+ plans

Nicole Baptiste avatar
Written by Nicole Baptiste
Updated over a week ago

With the proposal review process in Ignition, draft proposals can now be marked as Request for Review to be reviewed, edited and approved by a partner.

Requesting a review will add a new status to the proposal and provide an opportunity to add an assignee and internal note.

Let's learn how the proposal review process works in Ignition!

Note: This feature is only available on the Scale and Pro+ plans.

Interactive demo

demo gif

How to use the proposal review process

To request a review, in the Proposals tab → select a draft proposal. Select Actions → click Request review.

Select the assignee and add an optional internal note to outline what needs to be reviewed on the proposal.

A review status will be added to the proposal and viewable in the Review filter of the Proposals tab.

Once the proposal is in ‘Review’ there will be additional actions to indicate whether a proposal needs to be edited or is ready to send:

  • Request change

  • Approved

  • Reassign

The review states are only sub-states of a draft proposal. This means that you can still action anything you'd like as if it were a draft proposal.

For example, a draft proposal can be marked as Review and can still be sent to a client.

Proposals for review will appear in the Review filter in the Proposals tab. This list can be filtered by the Assignee to easily see what proposals need to be reviewed, edited or approved for sending.

Currently, assignees will not be notified when a draft proposal is assigned to them as part of the review process.

🚀Pro-tip: Navigate to Proposals → Review → Assignee → Search for yourself and save that URL as a bookmark!

Once a proposal is Sent, Moved to Awaiting Acceptance or Marked as lost - the proposal will no longer have a review state.


In-app notifications for review requests in the review process are available for this feature. To see notifications, a badge notification will appear on the Bell icon → click the bell to open the Notifications menu.


Can all users update the review status?

Yes - proposals can be moved in any review status by any user.

Why are my proposals for review are being counted in the Draft segment of Proposals?

Review statuses are only a sub-status of draft proposals, meaning the proposals are still classified as being in draft in Proposals, Exports and the Client summary.

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