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Conversions Panel

Tracking the number of proposals sent to and accepted by your clients

Nick Dainty avatar
Written by Nick Dainty
Updated over 10 months ago

The Conversions Panel lets you track how many of your sent proposals are being accepted by your leads and existing clients.

All data shown in the Conversions Panel is only for the last 30 days. Over 95% of accepted proposals are signed within 30 days of sending, so this timeframe gives a good sense of how well you are converting new opportunities into new business.

The panel also provides a comparison to the previous 30 day period. This shows you how the last 30 days is tracking compared to the previous period (30 to 60 days ago).

Understanding the graph

The graph lets you visually compare the value of proposals sent, against the value of proposals accepted.

What is the total value of a proposal?

This is the sum of all the fixed price work in the proposal.

For example, consider a proposal which will charge $500 when accepted and $200 each month for 10 months. The total value of this proposal is $2500. This is calculated as: $500 + ($200 × 10).

Estimates are excluded from this total. This is because their exact value won't be known until the client is billed.

Why aren't certain proposals showing up?

Proposals that have been revoked or adjusted (Classic Proposal Editor only) will not show in the data. 

Additionally, only proposal where you have used the send to client action will show in the data.

This means if you use the move to awaiting acceptance action, these proposals will not be displayed as they were not sent by Ignition and therefore do not have a 'sent date'.

The metrics

Conversion ($)

This is your conversion rate by proposal value. This is calculated as: Value of Accepted Proposals ÷ Value of Sent Proposals

Conversion (Proposals)

This is your conversion rate by number of proposals. This is calculated as: Number of Accepted Proposals ÷ Number of Sent Proposals

Time To Accept

This answers the question "How long, on average, do clients take to accept my proposals?".

This is the median time from the proposal being sent to being accepted, for all proposals sent and accepted in the last 30 days.

Any proposals accepted on behalf of your clients are excluded from this calculation.

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