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Client activity log

Gives visibility and detail over any changes to client records with the Client Activity Log.

Nicole Baptiste avatar
Written by Nicole Baptiste
Updated over a week ago

The Client Activity Log provides visibility into changes made to an individual client's record, allowing you to easily track and review all key activities.

View the client activity log

To access the Client Activity Log, select a client file within the Clients tab. In the Summary tab of a client file, click View activity.

Activities included in the log

The Client Activity Log includes the changes to:

  • Client details

  • Contact details

  • Email settings (invoice and payment emails)

  • Tags

  • Status changes

Connected apps

Activity from connected apps related to a client's record will appear in the client activity log. The log will track what event happened, the method or process used, when it occurred and who initiated it.

Users created by Ignition

Ignition automatically creates specific user profiles to track certain actions in the audit log. If you see a user you don't recognize, it’s most likely one of these:

System or Unknown

An automatic action has occurred

Ignition admin

An Ignition staff member has made a change or performed an action on your behalf

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