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Rolling Over Existing Proposals

Do you have existing active engagements that you'd like to re-scope for the new financial year? The rollovers function is what you need!

Ella Buan avatar
Written by Ella Buan
Updated over 3 years ago

Having proposals that need to be renewed each year gives you a great opportunity to re-connect with your clients to discuss their needs, any price increases and also up-sell any new services.

Every proposal created in Ignition has a start and end date, so we recommend you roll over your proposals around two months before the end date for you to be ready for the next financial year.

The Rollover Process

Rolling over proposals is as simple as selecting which proposals need to be rolled over and setting a new start and end date.

This creates duplicates of your old proposals that you select, but for the new year. 

You can then go through them all one by one to check and call the client if need be about pricing/service changes, then bulk send proposals out or send them out individually. 

Here is a step by step process of the rollover process:

1. Go to the Proposals menu and click the Rollovers button.

2. This will open up a slider from the right-hand side prompting you to choose which proposals you want to create rollovers for based on their start and end dates. 

It will bring up a list of all proposals which have started on or after the Start Date Range, and also all proposals with an end date on or before the End Date Range.

Note: This will return all "Active" and "Completed" proposals which fall within the date range selected.

You also have the ability to include or exclude any proposals that have Continuous Recurring Billing (CRB) enabled.

By leaving this toggle in the ‘off’ position, no CRB proposals will be included in the rollover and they will need to be reviewed independently of the rollover process.

If the toggle is set to ‘on’ then two things will happen:

  1. All CRB enabled proposals from the selected date range will be available to be selected for the rollover.

  2. If you decide to include this proposal in the rollover, the currently active proposal (original proposal) will have Continuous Recurring Billing disabled. This means it will NOT continue to deploy invoices and collect payments after the proposal end date is reached.

Note: If you are unsure, it’s best to leave this toggle set to ‘off’ so you don’t miss out on any invoicing/payments from proposals with CRB enabled.

For more information on Continuous Recurring Billing, please read this article here.

3. You will then be shown a list of all the proposals which fall within this date range. You can click the Download List (CSV) button to view the details of these proposals on a spreadsheet. You also have the option of deselecting any proposals which fall within this date range that you don't want to be rolled over. 

When you are happy with the selection, click the Next Step button.

4. In the next step you have two options which need to be considered:

Combine Duplicates - If you have one entity (i.e. client) with multiple proposals during the selected date range, turning this toggle on will combine the services of all the proposals into a single proposal, avoiding the creation of any duplicates.

Note: When combining multiple proposals, it will use the settings of the earliest proposal.

Enable Pro-rata - This ensures that you will initiate the recurring billing from the proposal start date rather than the acceptance date, and invoice for any missed billing periods as an up-front transaction. Learn more about Pro-rata here

You also need to choose a new start and end date for your new proposals. 

We recommend your start date to be the day after the end date of your last year's proposals, and the end date to be 12 months from the new start date.

When you have finished editing the settings, click Start Rollover Process to finish creating the new draft proposals.

5. You can now click on the Draft folder of your proposals to see all the newly created proposals. 

Tick the proposals you need to review, then click Bulk Actions > Mark for Review to initiate the review process.

Note: If you have a lot of draft proposals, use Proposal Filters within this view and use the 'Starts After' option to bring up the proposals for the new financial year. You will then be able to select all with a single tick of a box in the header row.

6. The Mark for Review process will open up each proposal and allow you to amend them before sending out to the client for acceptance.

Should you need to change the services included, adjust the price, or update the Engagement Letter template, click the Edit Proposal button and make the changes. Remember to click Save Proposal once you're done.

When you're done editing the proposal, click the Mark for Review if you wish to send out all proposals in one go, or Leave As Draft button if you need more time to review the proposal. Selecting either option will then open up the next proposal for editing.

Alternatively, you can also click Actions > Sent to Client to immediately send the proposal to the client.

If you chose to bulk send, after the Mark for Review process has completed, we'll automatically show you all proposals in the "In Review" view.

Here, you can select all proposals you wish to send out (click the checkboxes). A Bulk Actions menu will appear at the top, where you can now choose Send Selected.

Note: Rolling over a proposal with continuous recurring billing enabled will not complete the original proposal when the new proposal is accepted. It will instead switch off continuous recurring billing automatically

You will still need to complete the proposal manually!

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