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Ignition and Practice CS

Import your Practice CS clients, filter clients by return type, and send tax proposals to multiple clients in bulk using templates.

Nicole Baptiste avatar
Written by Nicole Baptiste
Updated this week

Boost profits and efficiency this tax season by using Ignition with Practice CS. Import your Practice CS clients into Ignition, filter clients by return type, and send tax proposals to multiple clients in bulk using templates.

This guide details how to import a custom report format into Practice CS and how to use the custom report to provide an Excel file to Ignition for importing client information.

The Practice CS integration is only available in the US.

If you are using Practice CS and will be using Ignition, these instructions detail how to import a custom report format into Practice CS and how to use the custom report to provide an Excel file to Ignition for importing client information. This custom report uses Client Primary Contact information including Client Name, Primary Contact Address, Phone, Email, and more. In Practice CS, you will need to verify the correct information is entered prior to producing the Excel file.

Export your client list from Practice CS

1. Save the Custom Format file (Excel Client List for Ignition.cfx) to your hard drive or network

2. Open Practice CS and go to File – Import – Custom Formats

3. Select the location where you saved the Custom Format, then import the custom format

Note: If you have security enabled, you will want to review who should have access to the new Custom Format via Setup – Security Groups.

Export the report as an Excel file

1. Go to File – Print Reports

2. In the Lists section, click the Excel Client List for Ignition report and click Select

3. Navigate to the bottom-right corner and click Print Selected

4. Click the Output to file checkbox

5. Choose Microsoft Excel (*.xls) as the file type

6. Enter the destination for the file by entering a file path or clicking the browse […] button and designating a folder

7. Click OK

8. Click OK

To determine which Practice CS field is used to populate which columns on the Excel file, please refer to the images below

Note: W, X, Y, Z, and AA represent the Primary Address. AB, AC, AD, AE, and AF represent the Mailing.

Import your Practice CS clients in Ignition

1. Navigate to your Clients tab on the left-hand menu and click on Import.

2. Select or drag the Practice CS client file in the import window. Click Upload.

3. The importer will let you know how many clients will be imported from the CSV. The importer will also show if there are any errors found in your CSV. Once this is uploaded successfully, click on Import to begin the import.

Once clients are imported, entity type will be added as a tag.

Filter clients by tag in Ignition

Filter clients by Practice CS entity type in the Clients tab to tailor your proposals. Use the Tags filter in the Clients tab to see a filtered list of Practice CS clients and their entity type.

Create and send proposals in bulk

In the Clients tab, create proposals in bulk from a template with your engagement letter for your Practice CS tax clients. Learn more about creating proposals in bulk from a template.

In the Proposals tab, send proposals in bulk from the Clients tab with your engagement letter for your Practice CS tax client. Learn more about how to send proposals in bulk.

Export Invoices from Practice CS to Import to Ignition

  1. Access the Home Dashboard

    • Go to the Home Dashboard by selecting View > Home Dashboard from the menu.

    • If you don't have the Practice CS Library displayed on your Home Dashboard, click on Select Portlets in the upper-right corner to add it.

  2. Import the Unpaid Invoices Report

    • Navigate to the second page of the Practice CS Library.

    • Click the Import button to add the Unpaid Invoices report. Once imported, it will be available in your list of reports.

  3. Print the Unpaid Invoices Report

    • Go to File > Print Reports.

    • Select the Unpaid Invoices report from the Billing section.

    • Set the Report Date and Detail Date Range as required.

    • Click on Print Selected.

  4. Export the Report to a File

    • In the Print Dialog, choose the Output to File option.

    • Select the .xls format for the file.

    • Choose a destination folder for the file and click OK.

  5. Import the Unpaid Invoices file to Ignition

    • To upload invoices from Practice CS, the clients must already exist in Ignition.

    • In your Ignition account, navigate to the Payments tab → Collections.

    • Select Import → Practice CS

    • Upload the Unpaid Invoices file

Now your unpaid invoices are available in Ignition for you to request and schedule payment from your clients.

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