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Setup 3: The Payment Gateway (5 mins)

Let Ignition help get you paid automatically so you can stop chasing payments!

Tom Maxwell avatar
Written by Tom Maxwell
Updated over 9 months ago

There will be a three-step process to get payments set up on your Ignition account.

Payment Gateway

Please keep in mind this is a once-off process - once you set this up, you do not need to do this again unless you elect to change your bank account details!

  1. Entering bank account details (BSB, Account Number, Client Descriptor)

  2. Entering verification details (Legal business name, Representative details)

  3. Uploading verification documents (ID, Business address)

You can enable payments by going to Settings > Payments and clicking on the orange Next button.

The first thing you'll see is a short video explaining what Ignition Payments is and how it works. When you are ready, click on Next to head to the second page.

Next, enter your bank account details and choose your client statement descriptor. Statement descriptors explain charges or payments on your client's bank and credit card statements. Using a clear statement can increase transparency and reduce any disputes from your clients.

If you are transacting in the UK, please note that the descriptor will automatically be set to 'IGNITIONPAY' which is what your clients will see on their statements. This currently cannot be customised.

Note: The client statement descriptor has a maximum of 16 characters including spaces.

Once you are ready, click Submit & Next.

A secure pop-up window will appear requesting verification details. If you do not see a pop-up window, you may need to enable pop-ups in your browser!

Here, you'll need to enter business and personal details for verification purposes.

Please ensure you fill out all the fields.

You also may be required to upload a form of government-issued ID to support the verification process as required by the Know Your Customer (KYC) financial regulations.

Please ensure the ID provided is within its expiration date and the image quality is clear and readable.

For those wishing to upload a driver's license, you will need to upload the front first and then the back in two separate files.

For more information regarding the upload format for this ID, refer to Stripe’s support article.

Once you are done, you will be brought to the Payment Settings.

Collection Schedule

The collection schedule defines how many days Ignition will wait until the payment collection process occurs. If you want to collect payment the same day that invoices are raised, then these can be set to Same day.

Manual Payment Terms apply to any invoices that need to be generated manually by a user within the Billed Manually section of a client's Billing Schedule tab. (e.g. On Completion billing, Estimate billing)

Automatic Payment Terms apply to any invoices that are automatically created by the system, or those invoices within the Billed Automatically section of a client's Billing Schedule tab. (e.g. Recurring, On Acceptance billing).

Please note that the first payment through Ignition can take up to 7 business days after your account is fully verified.

See this article for more information on clearing times.

Payment Policy

Next, select what payment types you want to offer your client by default when you create a new proposal.

These defaults can be overridden at a proposal level

Best practice: Turn all of these ON


Enter the email address you'd like us to use to send any notifications around payment errors or rejected payments.

Best practice: Use a generic accounts@ or admin@ email. Alternatively, a Practice Manager or Director/CEO can be notified here.

And just like that you're set up to never need to chase payments again!

That's almost all the settings taken care of, let's keep going.

Card Fees

Ignition allows you to pass card processing fees onto your client. If enabled on your Ignition account, a surcharge will be applied to any card payments made by your clients.

Learn more about how you can pass on card processing fees to clients here.

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