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How to invoice a client manually

Learn how to invoice a client immediately or schedule an invoice to be raised at a future date.

Pat Kuo avatar
Written by Pat Kuo
Updated over 8 months ago

How to invoice a client

If you have created services that are manually billed, you'll need to review the service details and manually trigger the invoice.

First, navigate to the client you’d like to invoice and open up the Billing Schedule tab.

Then, follow the steps below!

  1. Select the relevant billing items within the Billed Manually section and press the Invoice now button

  2. Review the price and quantities of your billing items, making any changes as needed

  3. Select a payment method to use

  4. Press Next

  5. After reviewing, press Issue invoice to create the invoice.

Sending the invoice

If you have an accounting ledger connected, after creating the invoice you’ll be taken to the Send Invoice screen.

Adding a personal message to your invoice email can help give clients more clarity. You can use the message to describe any work done in more detail or communicate unforeseen issues.

On the Send Invoice screen, you can:

  • Set the email recipients

  • Alter the email subject line and

  • Add a personalised message to the invoice email if you like

If payment collection isn’t already scheduled, you can opt to Allow online payments for this invoice. This will include an online payment link on the invoice email the client receives which allows them to pay quickly and easily.

When you’re ready, press Send.

Alternatively, you can press Skip if you do not wish to send an invoice notification email to your client.

Keep in mind if you choose to skip sending, you can always come back and send the invoice at a later stage!

Note: If Invoice notifications have been disabled for the client you’re invoicing, then this step will be skipped for convenience.

Collecting payment when you send an invoice

If you don't already have a payment method on file for your client (or you chose to "arrange payment manually", you can still collect online payments from invoice emails sent by Ignition.

If you'd like to make this option available, simply ensure you have the "Allow online payment for invoices" switched on under your Payment Settings (see screenshot below).

Clients simply click Pay Invoice to add a payment method and securely pay their invoice online. Payment details are stored securely for future use, and clients can even select to pay future invoices automatically using the details provided.

Note: This is only applicable if you have already setup Ignition Payments.

Scheduling an invoice for the future

Alternatively, you can also schedule billing items to be invoiced at a later date!

This means that you will never forget to invoice a client again.

  1. Navigate to a specific client → Billing Schedule tab

  2. Select some billing items in the Billed Manually section and click the Schedule Invoice button.

  3. Review the price, quantities and select a specific future date that you'd like this to be invoiced on (top left-hand corner)

  4. Press Review & confirm when you are ready and then press Confirm and schedule (1 invoice) when you have finished reviewing.

When you are done, the billing items will move from the Billed Manually section down to the Billed Automatically section. Once that date arrives, Ignition will automatically raise that invoice.

Please note that a billing item will only be consolidated into a billing group under these conditions:

  • The billing items must derive from the same proposal

  • The billing items must be billed with the same payment method

  • The billing items have the same schedule (i.e. same date of collection)

Changing billing from automatic to manual and vice-versa

If you'd like to change billing mode from manual to automatic

  1. Select the manually billed services you'd like to change to automatic Select More Actions > Edit items

2. Change the Bill on date to the date you'd like to automatically bill on and change billing mode from manually to automatically then press Next.

3. Review changes elect next and press Confirm.

You'll now see these services under the Billed Automatically section.

If you'd like to change billing mode from automatic to manual

  1. Select the relevant service under Billed Automatically

  2. Change the 'Bill on' date to the date you'd like to make the invoice due for billing (The invoices will not bill automatically on this date and will require you to manually trigger the invoice in Ignition)

  3. Press Next

  4. Press Confirm

You'll now see these services under the Billed Manually section.

Invoicing pro-tips

Fractional Billing

We now have the ability to specify fractional quantities when invoicing!

This is great if your practice needs flexibility when billing partial hours or billing a fraction of the daily rate for more accuracy.

In the example below, we simply need to use a decimal point and the system will calculate this automatically when the invoice is raised!

Discounts upon invoicing

We now have the ability to offer a discount at the time of invoicing should you choose or need to do this for a client!

In the invoice slider, simply add the dollar amount that you would like to discount in the Discounts field.


Why can't I see any billing items in the Billed Manually section?

If you cannot see any billing items, it's likely that the active service has expired or that particular service has been ended.

Check your client's Services tab to see if this is the case.

If you are experiencing any issues, reach out to our Support team at and we can take a look for you!

Client Billing Schedule Guides:

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