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The Payouts tab

A payout is a lump sum or combined batch of payment collections that get transferred to your bank account once a day. Learn more inside!

Pat Kuo avatar
Written by Pat Kuo
Updated over 10 months ago

The Payments section is separated out into 2 tabs - Collections and Payouts.

The Payouts tab contains all of the lump sum payments that have been processed to be deposited into your bank account.

These lump sums often contain multiple client payment collections which get transferred once a day to your bank account.

The Payouts tab

The Payouts tab contains a historical list of all payments that have been processed. These payments are categorized into three statuses:

  • In Transit - Your money has been sent from Ignition to your bank account

  • Complete - Your bank has received the money and the funds are available in your account

  • Failed - Various reasons (invalid bank number, closed bank account...etc)

If your payout contains a clawback, you will see this displayed on the specific payout that it pertains to.

Clicking into a specific payout will provide you with more detailed information!

Payout details

When you click into a specific payout, a right hand drawer will appear with more information.

  • Type = Credit or Debit (only occurs if there is a negative payout due to a clawback)

  • Status = In Transit, Complete or Failed

  • Submitted date = The date in which the system has processed this

  • Arrival date = The date your funds will land in your bank account

  • Total fees = Total amount of fees for this payout


Clawbacks refer to when funds are withdrawn from your payout due to client refunds or the rare instance in which a client opens a dispute about a payment collection from their bank account / credit card. The specific amount is then deducted from your payout.

If the clawback total is greater than the payment collections total, then the system may debit (withdraw) the balance from your bank account.

Normally you can resolve this easily by contacting your client and explaining the payment collection for your services.

If this occurs, the Clawbacks section will appear and display information about the specific client and invoice that the dispute relates to.

If there are no clawbacks on the payout, this section will be hidden as there is no clawback information to be displayed.

Please note: If you are in the UK, clawbacks can occur due to insufficient funds in your client's bank account. Sometimes the banks inform us late, often when the payment has been collected and paid out already. These instances are currently labelled as a ‘dispute’ caused by ‘insufficient funds’.

Payment collections

All payout details will contain a payment collection section which details the date, client, invoice details, payment fee, type of collection and the total amount collected.

You can click into a client to view their client record. You can also click into their specific invoice that is linked to this payment collection.

Exporting your payouts

If you have a lot of payouts or need to export your payouts data, you can do so by clicking Export.

You will be presented with a pop-up where you can select a specific date range and export type.

There are two different types of export types:

  • Collections & Clawbacks - exports every single collection & clawback. i.e. the detailed list you see when you click into a specific payout

  • Payouts - exports the lump sum payouts. i.e. the list that you see in your payouts tab

Collections & Clawbacks export data

  • Payout ID - Unique payout ID (e.g. po_AbCdEfGhIjKlM)

  • Payout State - The state of the related payout. (e.g. In Transit, Completed, Failed)

  • Payout Submitted Date - Date that the payout was submitted to the customer's bank. (e.g. 2021-09-01)

  • Payout Arrival Date - Date we expect the funds to be visible in the customer's bank account. (e.g. 2021-09-03)

  • Client Name - Name of the client that the payment relates to. (e.g. Bob’s Bakery)

  • Invoice Number - The ledger invoice number. May be blank if no invoice was deployed. (e.g. ORC1234)

  • Invoice Reference - The invoice reference that we will set if deploying an invoice to the connected ledger. (e.g. CLI-0001)

  • Type - Indicates whether this was a bank or card payment collection, or a clawback. (e.g. Bank account, Credit Card, Clawback)

  • Payment Fee - The fee charged for the payment collection. Will be 0 for clawbacks. (e.g. 3.50)

  • Payment Amount - The payment collection amount (e.g. 1000.00)

Payouts export data

  • Payout ID - Unique payout ID (e.g. po_AbCdEfGhIjKlM)

  • State - The state of the related payout. (e.g. In Transit, Completed, Failed)

  • Submitted Date - Date the payout was submitted to the customer's bank. (e.g. 2021-09-01)

  • Arrival Date - Date we expect the funds to be visible in the customer's bank account. (e.g. 2021-09-03)

  • Total Fees - The sum of all fees charged for payment collections in this payout. (e.g. 35.00)

  • Total Amount - The sum of payment collections and clawbacks in this payout. Can be negative. (e.g. 1500.00)

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