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Payments Panel
Ella Buan avatar
Written by Ella Buan
Updated over 2 months ago

The Payments Panel provides instant visibility over the payments that have been collected and are expected to be collected for the current financial period.

The panel displays actuals (already collected amounts) as well as accurate forecasted amounts for future collections.

Understanding The Graph

The payments graph plots the payout amounts (payments you have received) as well as scheduled collections based on your accepted proposals.

Each month is broken down into Direct Debit (ACH, PAD in some regions) and Credit payments with Debits shown in light green and credit card payments shown in a darker green.

Hovering over a month will display a more detailed tooltip with breakdowns and more detailed totals.

Credit Card / Direct Debit:

This specific total amount is defined as any credit card or direct debit/ACH/PAD payments that have been paid out to your bank account.

These can be found under Payments → Collections → Paid (with the payment progress status of "Paid out").

Credit Card Scheduled / Direct Debit Scheduled:

This specific total amount is defined as:

  • Any issued invoices with a payment method attached which have not begun collecting. These can be found under Payments tab → Collections → Outstanding.

  • Any issued invoices which have completed collecting and are yet to disburse. These can be found under Payments → Collections → Scheduled as well as Payments → Collections → Paid.

  • Any un-billed items which have a payment method attached. These can be found under → Payments → Billing.

Payment Metrics

The following key metrics are displayed in the panel:

Projected Total - This is a project sum of all the collected (and paid out) payments + the sum of all the scheduled payments for the current financial year.

Collected - This is a sum of all the collected (and paid) payments to date for the current financial year.

Volume This Month - The total payment volume collected or expected to be collected in the current calendar month.

Volume Next Month - The total payment volume expected to be collected in the next calendar month. For example if the current month is July, then this shows the payment volume expected in August.

Clients Enabled - This includes a count of clients billed this financial year, and the percentage of those which also had payments collected.

Rejected Payments - A count of the rejected payments with a sum of all the amounts. Clicking on rejected payments links you into the Rejected Payment list where the payments can be retried.

Verifying Payments (USA Only) - This includes a count and sum total of all the clients that are still awaiting ACH verification. A more detailed list and breakdown can be viewed by clicking on this metric.

Expiring Cards - A count and sum total of the client that have an expiring credit card in the next 30 days. You can click on this link to view clients with expiring cards in the next month.

At risk clients - Clients that have 2 or more rejected payments and are at risk of churning.

Unbilled Projections

When you hover over a certain month, the system will display actuals as well as forecasted amounts for future payment collections.

If you would like to dive deeper and get more specific data on the unbilled projects that have yet to be collected, you can do this by using the Billing Tab.

The Billing Hub tab offers a comprehensive list view of all upcoming manual billings across clients. It empowers you to filter, schedule invoices, or instantly invoice, facilitating seamless management of your manual billing items.

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