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The Collections tab

The Collections tab is where you can see all payments currently scheduled, collecting, paid and any failed payments.

Pat Kuo avatar
Written by Pat Kuo
Updated over a week ago

The Collections tab displays all payment transactions across your entire client base.

Get an overview of all of your payments currently being collected via Ignition as well as estimated payout dates. You can also get dive into deeper insights with filters and the search function for extra detail.

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The Collections tab

At the top of the page, you'll see three major filters.

  • Next payout

  • Paying soon

  • Processing

Clicking one of these will set a filter for all the payment collections that will be arriving in your bank account on that estimated date.

Next payout

The payment collection has been approved by the clients' bank and funds are estimated to be deposited by the listed date.

Paying soon

The payment collection is currently in progress. See the Collecting and Collected payment statuses.

Note: If you view the Payments section on a Friday or Saturday, the displayed date will be the closest business day, given that transactions are not processed on weekends. Public holidays can extend this out too.


The funds have begun collecting but have not been approved (or rejected) by the client's bank yet.

The Collections table is broken into key sections based on status:

  1. All

  2. Scheduled

  3. Paid

  4. Failed

If you are in the USA, you'll also see a fourth tab, Awaiting verification.

If you are in the UK, you’ll see another tab, Awaiting confirmation.


This tab shows all payments that are in the process of collecting from your client's accounts.

Note: If you view the Payments section on a Friday or Saturday, the displayed date will be the closest business day, given that transactions are not processed on weekends. Public holidays can extend this out too.

Reschedule or cancel a collection

If you want to reschedule or cancel a collection that has Not Started, click on the transaction and a drawer will open up on the right side.

If you are re-scheduling the transaction, you have the option to Collect Now, on Original Terms or Collect On a future date.

If you are cancelling the transaction, you'll be prompted to confirm before cancelling.

Once you cancel the transaction if you have Xero or QuickBooks integrated, your invoice will no longer be awaiting payment and you can either arrange to collect payment manually, or re-enable the payment collection at any time via Ignition (see our article on collecting payments on invoices created in the past for instructions).


This tab shows all client payments that have been collected successfully and will be paid out.


This list shows any payments that have failed as a result of rejection by your client's bank or credit card provider.

Here you can click on a payment to see more details and retry the payment. You can learn more about handling failed payments here.

Payment statuses

If you click on any payment in the list, it will open a drawer on the right side of the screen with more information about the transaction.

Not started

This means that the payment has not begun as the due date hasn’t been met.


This means that the funds have begun collecting but have not been approved (or rejected) yet.


This means the bank has approved the transaction and Ignition is transferring the payment to your account

Paying out

This means the funds are being transferred to your account. It's estimated to be deposited by the listed date.

Paid out

This means that the funds have been successfully paid out (deposited) and is in your account.

Collection failed

We couldn't collect the money from your client. Check the Invoice Details activity log for more information.

Payout failed

We couldn't deposit the money into your account. Check Payout Details drawer for more information.

Refund statuses

Refund requested

A user in Ignition has requested a refund for this invoice.

Refund approved

The refund was approved and is the process of being returned to the client.

Refund request declined

The refund requested was declined.

Refund started

We're processing the refund (sending the funds to the customer).


We've successfully returned the funds to the customer.

Refund failed

We are unable to process the refund. Please contact our support team.

Dispute statuses

Dispute open

Your client has disputed the transaction with their bank.

Dispute won

You won the dispute. We've returned the payment to you.

Dispute lost

You lost the dispute. We've returned the payment to your client.

Verification statuses

Awaiting verification 🇺🇸

We sent your client an email to verify their payment method. They have 10 days to do it.

Verification failed 🇺🇸

We couldn't verify the payment method. It may have timed out. Please delete and re-add the payment method to try again

Awaiting confirmation 🇬🇧

We sent your client an email to confirm the payment. They have 30 days to do it or the payment will fail.


Use the search bar to dive into deeper insights with your payment transactions. Here are a few examples of what you can do below.

Client name

The last 4 digits of a payment method

💡 Pro tip: You can search for both bank account and credit card details!

Invoice IDs from Ignition, Xero, QuickBooks & MYOB


You can also use filters to drill down on additional information. The filters available are:

  • Amount

  • Billed on date

  • Collection date

  • Created in ledger

  • Estimated payout date

  • Payment progress

  • Status

  • Payment methods

  • Client

Exporting your collections

If you wish to export your collections data, you can do so by clicking Export. A CSV file will be generated and sent to your email address containing the details on all of your current collections.

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