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Exporting your services revenue from the dashboard

Export your services revenue data for your reporting needs.

Jeff Borlaza avatar
Written by Jeff Borlaza
Updated over 2 months ago

The services revenue CSV export is an incredibly insightful tool for you to examine how much revenue is associated with each of your services you sell in Ignition.

This CSV reports on particular date range and you can choose to download a report that is grouped by the total revenue by service or service revenue by client.

Services Revenue tutorial and using pivot tables (3 min)

How to export your services revenue

Navigate to Dashboard → Services panel → Export.

Note: Only services and revenue contained on proposals that were active during the selected period will be shown in reports, this includes:

  • Proposals with start and end dates overlapping with the selected period that are still active

  • Proposals with start and end dates overlapping with the selected period that are completed but were invoiced within the period selected

Note: Services created from instant bill are also included in this export.

Export Types

Total Revenue by Service (AKA Total)

This export gives you information about your services summed across all your clients.

This is most useful for answering questions like: How many clients are using a service? How much revenue am I receiving for a particular service?

This report includes:

  • Service Name - The service name as listed in Ignition

  • Total One Time in Period - The total amount charged for services billed one time across all clients

  • Total Recurring in Period - The summed recurring amount estimated for the selected period - taking into account end dates on contracts if they are not billed continuously

  • Unbilled One Time in Period - The total amount for on completion services that has not been invoiced on proposals active in the selected period 

  • Total Invoiced - The total amount invoiced for that service on proposals active in the selected period  (irrespective of the period selected)

  • Invoiced in Period - The total amount invoiced for that service in the selected period 

  • Number of Clients - The number of unique clients with proposals containing that service active in the selected period 

Note: Services created from instant bill are also included in this export.

Service Revenue by Client (AKA Client)

This export gives you all the details on a client by client basis of what you are charging and how.

This is most useful for answering questions like: What is a particular client paying for a service in comparison to others? How much revenue am I receiving from a particular client?

This report includes:

  • Service # - The unique service ID as listed in Ignition

  • Service Name and Client name - The service and client name as listed in Ignition

  • Service Short Description - The name of the service

  • Service Long Description - The service name and service description as listed in your service library

  • Proposal Project - The project that the service is listed under (if any)

  • Client ID - The unique client ID as listed in Ignition

  • Client Contact - The client contact email as listed in Ignition

  • Client Tags - If the client has been tagged, these tags will be listed here. For more information on client tagging, read our help article here.

  • Client Group - If connected to XPM, this identifies what Client Group the client is from.

  • Billing Date - The date in which this service was billed or will be billed.

  • Billed Total - The total amount charged for this service

  • Unbilled Total - The total amount that will be billed in the future on the specified Billing Date

  • Billing Schedule - Can either be continuously billed (continuous) or billed one time (non_recurring)

  • Billing Strategy - Defines how this is billed in the client's Billing Schedule, either automatically or manually. Learn more here.

  • Billing Reference - If connected to Xero, this identifies what Billing Reference will be generated on the invoice. Learn more here.

  • Billing Group - If connected to XPM, this identifies what Billing Group the service is set to.

    • If set at a client level, this will display the client name (e.g. Space Ranger)

    • If set at a proposal level, this will display the proposal name (e.g. Space Ranger 2022 FY - Accounting)

  • Partner and manager emails - Emails of users assigned as partner or manager of that client

Note: Services created from instant bill are also included in this export.

FAQs and Troubleshooting

What if a service is not contained on an export?

Only eligible services will be show on the exports:

  • The service needs to be contained on an active proposal or a completed proposal invoiced within the selected period. If a service is not contained on an eligible proposal for that period, it will not be shown - try to export a different period.

  • If a service has changed names, check for the new name

  • If a service has been fully invoiced for outside the period selected then it will not be shown - this is particularly important to check if your service is invoiced on completion

Note: Included Services do not show on the Service Revenue Export.

How are pro-rata payments shown?

For a recurring service, if there is a pro-rata payment, only the amount attributable to the service within the period exported will be shown in the total recurring for period. Think of this as whether that revenue was "earned" in the selected period or if it was earned before. 

If the pro-rata invoice occurred within the period selected, this will show in the invoiced in period column. The pro-rata payment once invoiced will always show in the total invoiced column if the proposal is eligible.

Are continuous recurring proposals reflected?

Yes. If the continuous recurring contract is/was active for the period selected, it will be included in the total recurring for period column. Revenue would be calculated till the end of the period selected (as there is no end date for the proposal). If the proposal is completed before this, the total recurring for period would then update to reflect the final amount billed for the period.

For continuous recurring contracts, the total invoiced column will continue to be a running total for that service until contract completion.

Why is the total invoiced and the invoiced in period different?

The total invoiced will reflect all invoiced amounts on contracts eligible in the period - whether they fall in the selected period or not. This can be useful to see total amounts for a service when an on acceptance or on completion invoice may fall outside the selected period.

The invoiced in period column will only show amounts that were invoiced for within the period selected.

Do included services show in the export?

No, included services do not show in the Service Revenue export.

This report is based on generated billing items that produce revenue. Included Services never generate billing items so Included Services will not appear.

If you need to identify any included services, you can use your Pipeline and apply a “service name” filter and export the results. This will provide an export of all the data pertaining to your included services.

How are estimates shown?

Estimates do not behave as fixed on completion values do and will always show as 0 for the on completion and unbilled project columns. When invoiced, this amount will show in the invoiced total and invoiced in period columns (if it was invoiced within the period selected).

Is the report compatible with the invoice scheduler?

No. As this feature is being deprecated, this report is not compatible with revenue scheduled through the invoice scheduler. We do not recommend using this report in conjunction with the invoice schedule as this may give inconsistent results.

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