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Apply bulk price updates

Learn how to adjust prices in bulk when editing your draft proposals.

Nicole Baptiste avatar
Written by Nicole Baptiste
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Introducing Ignition’s latest AutoPricing capability! Easily update pricing in bulk when editing or renewing proposals and watch your revenue grow.

Effortlessly increase prices for multiple clients at once to simplify renewals, improve pricing consistency and grow profitability. Utilize the renewal feature to create proposals in bulk that are due for a price adjustment.

Let's learn how to adjust pricing in bulk when editing draft proposals!

Please note: This feature is only available on the Pro, Pro+ & Scale plans.

Interactive demo

How to use the price adjust feature

To start, create new proposals as this feature is designed to work with draft proposals. The price adjust feature is available in the Proposals tab.

Select draft proposals and click Adjust pricing to open the service price adjustment step. If you accidentally select proposals not in a Draft status, the system will skip these.

Within the price adjustment step, the list of services will be grouped by client and proposal. You can view the current price of each service and update the dollar amount for services as needed.

Make sure to click Update when you're done with your adjustments.

When your pricing has been updated, a summary screen will appear detailing the change in minimum contract value. There will be a link to access the recently updated proposals and a specific link to access failed updated (if any).

Click the View proposals button when the system is done and you will be brought to a filtered list of all your adjusted proposals that you can preview, and send.

How to use the price adjustment feature for renewals

To create renewal proposals in bulk, select all the proposals you wish to renew by selecting the proposals using the checkmark box on the left → Renew.

If you have accidentally selected proposals that are in Draft, Awaiting acceptance or Lost, the system will skip these.

Next, the price increase step will open automatically. Select the percentage that you’d like to increase your services by and enable the rounding toggle if you prefer neater, round pricing.

Click Next when you are done and all of your services will be increased by the percentage that you specified!

Then, within the price adjustment step, you can view the increased price of each service and edit the dollar amount for services as needed. The list of services will be grouped by client and the proposal.

Once the services are edited, the renewal proposals will be created. It can take some time to complete if you're renewing many proposals. You can go ahead and exit this screen while this process is being completed.

Click the View proposals when the system is done and you will be brought to a list of all your proposals that you can preview, edit and send.

Failed price adjustments

If you encounter any proposals that fail to have their price adjusted, we suggest looking at the reasons why they failed.

Reasons why a price adjustment will fail include:

Failure reason

Suggested action

New prices must be more than the discount

Ensure that the new prices are larger than the discount (if any)

The data for at least one price change was invalid

Ensure that you enter numbers only in the price field

The data could not be saved

Please contact for additional assistance

If you are still encountering issues or have any questions, please reach out to our Support team at

Activity log

When you have adjusted the price of a service on a draft proposal, you will see a log in each proposal's Activity section. Please note: This activity will not appear for renewal proposals.


Will the price adjustment step update the prices on my service templates?

No, it will only update the price on the selected proposal.

Can I update the service description or other service details?

No, the only field that can be edited is the price.

Can I apply a percentage increase on an individual proposal?

Yes, this can be done using the price increase feature available in the Services step of the proposal editor. Learn more about this feature here.

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