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Managing payment methods in Ignition
Tom Maxwell avatar
Written by Tom Maxwell
Updated over 8 months ago

Managing existing payment methods

If your client has already provided payment methods to you through any of the methods described in the Adding New Payment Details to a Client Record article, you have the ability to manage those details.

Actions you can take when managing existing payment methods include: 

  1. Deleting a payment from the client record, 

  2. Switching a payment method on a service

  3. Switching off payments

Below are three areas of the app where you can manage existing payment methods, depending on what you want to do. 

1. Managing payment methods on a client's file

Payment methods can be managed on a client's file. Navigate to the Clients tab, choose the client you want to update, then click on the Billing Schedule tab.

The Payment methods interface is on the right-hand side.

Select + Add payment method to:

  • Manually enter in a new payment method

  • Send a payment method request directly to your client

Alternatively, you can click Manage to:

  • Add a new payment method to the client record

  • Delete an existing payment method

  • View payment method activity

Can you edit an existing payment detail on file?

You cannot edit an existing payment method, even if the expiry date is the only detail that has changed (for example). The details are stored securely for compliance purposes, so editing is not possible. 

Note: To remove an expired payment method (or one your client no longer wishes to use), you'll have to remove the payment method from any proposals that they are assigned to, including completed proposals. The easiest way to do this is to select another payment method, or choose "arrange payment manually" on proposals that uses the payment detail you wish delete first before deleting it. 

Once you've received the new details, you can add them back to your proposals that you wish to collect payments on.

2. Managing payment methods on an active service

If you or your client would like to change payment methods for certain services (instead of all future invoices), follow these steps below depending on which proposal editing experience you are using!

Navigate to the specific client in Ignition → Services tab → Change → Select the new payment method as the preferred method.

Remember to update ALL the services that need to be on the new payment method!

3. Managing existing payment methods on a New Proposal Acceptance Page (managed by your client)

Send individual payment method requests to your clients within their client file in Ignition.

To send an individual request payment method notification, in the Clients tab select the client → click + Add Payment Method in the Summary or Billing Schedule tab → click Request from client → customize the payment settings and message → click Preview to view a preview of the client email → click Send request to send the notification to the client.

Your clients will click the link and be taken to the client portal where they can add and manage their existing payment methods.

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