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QuickBooks Settings
Ella Buan avatar
Written by Ella Buan
Updated over 9 months ago

To view and change connection settings between Ignition to Quickbooks, navigate to Apps on the left hand menu and click QuickBooks.

If you already have a QuickBooks account connected, you will see something that looks like this:

Sync settings

In the Sync settings screen, you can select what data to sync between Ignition and Quickbooks.

We recommend setting this to Client Name to ensure that changes are mapped and synced in both systems.

Invoice Settings

Create Invoices

Controls whether invoices will deploy to QuickBooks by default on all Ignition Proposals. Your default invoice template in QuickBooks will be used for invoices generated by Ignition.

You can change this on a specific proposal basis through the Apps tab when you are creating a new proposal.

Default sales account 

Choose which default product/service you would like your services to link to by default, this can be later customised within each service item you create.

This is what determines which GL code each service will be linked to.

Show Service Descriptions (available on Pro, Pro+ or Scale subscription plans only)

Controls whether to display service descriptions set on your proposals on your invoices. Some important considerations:

  • Ensure your service descriptions aren't too long - or you will end up with a 10 page invoice!

  • Invoice descriptions only allow for plain text - but Ignition Service Descriptions allow for some formatting. Avoid using advanced formatting in Ignition service descriptions (e.g., tables) as they won't transfer to invoice descriptions. Alternately, put tables etc in "included" services - as these are not used on invoices.

  • Optimise your default invoice template in QuickBooks to allow for a more detailed description. If possible, just include the Description and Amount columns on your QuickBooks invoice theme to ensure ample room for the scope description.


Manual billing - This will set the due date on your invoices to that number of days after your invoice date for any non-recurring invoices. This can be viewed in each client's Billing Schedule tab under the Billed Manually section.

Eg. If 0 is entered, then for an upfront invoice, the due date will be the same day as the invoice day.

Automatic billing - This will set the due date on your recurring invoices to that number of days after the bill date in your client's recurring billing. This can be viewed in each client's Billing Schedule tab under the Billed Automatically section.

Pro-tip: If you are using Ignition Payments, these settings should be set to MATCH your Payment Terms settings (find these under Settings → Payment Gateway Settings). This means that payments will always be deducted from your clients account or card on the due date of the invoice.

If you haven't already enabled payments, here's a step-by-step guide on how to turn on Payments.

Tax rates mapping

If you are located in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa or the UK then we will have already created a local sales tax rate for you. However, you can also map these from your ledger.

Linking your accounting ledger tax rates to Ignition

When you connect QuickBooks to Ignition, you'll need to map tax rates in the accounting ledger to tax rates in Ignition. This allows Ignition to apply the correct tax rates when invoices are created in your ledger.

You'll only have to map tax rates that have been added in Ignition, not all the rates in the ledger.

Be sure to click Save after you are done!


Repeating invoices

Once you have connected QuickBooks to Ignition, you can import your repeating invoices and automatically convert them into draft proposals in Ignition.

You can use this feature to engage all your existing clients in bulk and help you get paid faster, especially if you're using Ignition payments.


Import your existing services from Xero or QuickBooks into Ignition to kick-start your client engagements. You can use this feature to build and customize your Ignition service library and create proposals very quickly.

The Service Import feature can work alongside the Invoice Import feature to get you set up ASAP and get your first proposal sent in minutes.

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