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How to apply discounts to services
Nicole Baptiste avatar
Written by Nicole Baptiste
Updated over 11 months ago

If you choose to offer discounts, Ignition now makes it easy to communicate this additional value to your clients.

Add a discount amount to any service when creating your proposal, on a service edit or a proposal template and Ignition will clearly display the discount for your client.

Check out our best practice guide to learn more about the different reasons and ways which you can create discounts in your Ignition proposals.

Interactive demo

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Add a discount to a service in the proposal editor

Discounts can be added individually to services in the Service step of the proposal edit.

  1. Click + Add discount on the service to open the discount feature

  2. Enter the discount dollar amount β†’ click Save

Add a discount to a renewal proposal

Discounts can also be paired with the price increase tool for renewals. Discounts are applied to the base price and are not affected by the price increase tool.

Add a discount when editing an active service

A discount can be added to an active service with Service Edits. To edit an active service:

  1. In the Clients tab, select the client with whom you would like to add a discount to their service

  2. In their Services tab, select the service you would like to edit and click Edit

  3. Under the Price heading, toggle on Discounts β†’ enter the discount dollar amount

Your client's experience

Services with a discount applied will display the previous price, the discount amount and the discount price on the Pricing page of the proposal.

Additionally, an extra line item for discounts will added to invoices when applicable.

Your experience in Ignition

Discounts will be visible on services at the client level in the Services tab, Billing Schedule tab and Invoice tab.

Discounts QuickBooks invoices

When a service discount is applied, an extra line item for discounts will added to the QuickBooks invoice generated by Ignition.

Discounts on Xero invoices

When a service discount is applied, an extra line item for discounts will added to the Xero invoice generated by Ignition.

Discounts on proposal templates

If you are on our Core, Pro, Scale or Pro+ plans, you have the ability to create and save your own unique custom proposal templates. Discounts can be saved as part of the proposal template. Learn more about creating and saving custom templates here.


Can I add a discount to a proposal option?

No, a discount can't be applied to a proposal option as a whole. Currently, a discount can only be applied to a service individually.

Can I add a discount to an instant bill?

Currently, no. Discounts can only be applied to services while creating a proposal or active services via Service Edits.

Can I set an expiration date for a discount?

Service discounts do not have an expiration date.

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