For an overview of our payment fees, navigate to our pricing page and expand the Payments section for more detailed information on payment rates for your plan.
You can check your current plan under your Subscription & billing page by clicking your profile in the bottom left corner.
How payment fees are calculated in Ignition
There are a few aspects to consider when calculating payment fees in Ignition.
These include varying factors such as:
Type of transaction (Credit card or direct debit/bank account)
If credit card - Standard or Premium?
If direct debit - Over or under $3000/£2000?
Your region's payment processing rate
Any surcharges (US, CA and AU only)
Please see below for some examples on how Credit Card and Bank Account fees are calculated in Ignition.
Credit card (premium card) without surcharge
Please note: This example uses US card payment fee calculations.
Navigate to our pricing page to identify your countries payment fee rate. The way this is calculated is the same.
$100 (total invoice amount) x
3.6% + $0.30 (US Premium credit card rate)
= $3.60 + $0.30
= $3.90 total payment fee
Additional notes:
The US premium credit card rate is 3.6% + $0.30 which is applied to the $100 total invoice amount.
After calculations, the total payment fee comes to $3.90.
If you are surcharging in Australia, please note that the surcharges are calculated inclusive of GST. Learn more about the calculations in this article.
Credit card (premium card) with 3% surcharge
Please note: This example uses US card payment fee calculations.
Navigate to our pricing page to identify your countries payment fee rate. The way this is calculated is the same.
$100 (total invoice amount) + $3 (3% surcharge) x
3.6% + $0.30 (US Premium credit card rate)
= $103 x 3.6% + $0.30
= $4.008 (rounded up)
= $4.01 total payment fee
Please note: Surcharging is calculated on the total invoice amount. Payment fees are then calculated after the surcharge is applied.
Additional notes:
As payment fees are calculated after the surcharging amount, the total amount + surcharge is $103.
The US premium credit card rate is 3.6% + $0.30 which is applied to the $103 total amount + surcharge figure.
After calculations, it results in $4.008 which is rounded up to a total payment fee of $4.01.
Card surcharging is only available in US, CA and AU. Learn more here.
If you are surcharging in Australia, please note that the surcharges are calculated inclusive of GST. Learn more about the calculations in this article.
Direct debit (bank account)
Please note: This example uses AU direct debit fee calculations.
Navigate to our pricing page to identify your countries payment fee rate. The way this is calculated is the same.
$100 (total invoice amount) x
1% + $0.30 (AU direct debit rate - $4.00 max)
= $1 + $0.30
= $1.30 total payment fee
Additional notes:
The AU direct debit rate is 1% + $0.30 which is applied to the $100 total invoice amount.
After calculations, the total payment fee comes to $1.30.
This example does not contain surcharges. If you are surcharging in Australia, please note that the surcharges are calculated inclusive of GST. Learn more about the calculations in this article.
Direct debit (bank account) over $3000
Please note: This example uses AU direct debit fee calculations.
Navigate to our pricing page to identify your countries payment fee rate. The way this is calculated is the same.
$10,000 (total invoice amount) x
1% + $0.30 (AU direct debit rate - $4.00 max) + 0.3% on any amount over $3000
= $4 + $21
= $25 total payment fee
Additional notes:
The base fee is $4.00 (max limit in AU) which covers the first $3,000.
There’s $7,000 additional where the 0.3% fee applies. This comes to $21.
The total payment fee will be $25.
This example does not contain surcharges. If you are surcharging in Australia, please note that the surcharges are calculated inclusive of GST. Learn more about the calculations in this article.
Viewing your payment fees
Payment fee invoice drawer
Navigate to your payment fees by clicking Subscription & Billing under your profile in the top right corner.
Then, click View details on any monthly invoice and hover your mouse over the fee column to see the your current payment rates.
Alternatively you can also hover over the type of transaction to see the rate for that transaction.
Viewing the invoice for a payment fee breakdown
Clicking View on an invoice will bring you to that client's Invoices tab where you can get a more detailed view on the invoice.
What does the checkmark (tick) mean?
Checkmarks on the Credit Applied column in the payment fee invoice drawer means that the credit for that transaction (i.e. the surcharge), has been applied to that invoice.
Please note: If you are not using surcharges, then the Credit and Credit Applied column will not appear.
What does "Carried forward" mean?
The note "Carried forward" on the Credit Applied column in the payment fee invoice drawer means that on that day, the credit for that surcharge would have caused your invoice credits to exceed payment processing fees. Learn more about surcharges here.
So, the credit for that transaction has been carried forward to be applied to your next invoice.
Please note: If you are not using surcharges, then the Credit and Credit Applied column will not appear.
Standard vs Premium credit cards
You may find that in some cases your payment rates for credit card payments will differ.
This is because of the credit card networks as they charge differently depending on card type.
We are currently unable to determine whether your clients cards are standard or premium until the transaction is complete. Unfortunately, credit card companies do not disclose this information, nor do they publish lists of card types.