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How to onboard Individual Tax Return clients

You can use Ignition to easily onboard your ITR clients ensuring smooth processing and guaranteed on-time payment.

Brendan Allen avatar
Written by Brendan Allen
Updated over 2 weeks ago

If you offer Tax Return services to your clients, you can save hours by using Ignition to build ITR templates and even create 100s if not 1000s of ITR proposals instantly in bulk.


In this article, we will be covering a two different scenarios depending on what kind of ITR campaign your are running.

Scenario 1

You engage with your tax return clients as they request your services and would like to use Ignition to engage these individuals and make sure you get paid on time.

Scenario 2

You have a high volume of tax returns to complete for your regular clients and would like to send out ITR proposals in bulk for electronic signing and ensure you get paid on time.

Scenario 1 - Having an ITR template ready for when clients request your services

Step 1: Create a service in your Service Library called Tax Return (or something similar) with the standard price for a tax return as the default. Remember, you can change this price when adding it to a proposal.

If you've already created an ITR service, then you can skip this step.

Note: You can choose the default billing type at this stage, so think about they way you would like to get paid for your tax returns. (E.g. Upfront, on completion, on completion with a deposit etc.) However, you can still change this billing type when creating a new proposal.

Step 2: Create a proposal template in your Templates β†’ Proposal called Tax Return Template proposal template. Add the service you created in the Service Library to this proposal.

Alternatively, you can browse our readymade Individual Tax Return proposal templates on our website. Scroll down to the bottom and filter for proposal templates in your region, or search for "tax".

These readymade proposal templates can also be found in your Ignition account under the Templates β†’ Proposals tab.

Step 3: Make any other changes to this template that you would expect to apply to an ITR proposal. Make sure you have enabled payments for this proposal if you haven't already under the Payments tab across the top of the proposal editor screen. Then save the proposal.
You've now got a proposal template saved that you can use any time you'd like to on-board a Tax Return client. Learn more about your proposal templates.

πŸ’‘ Pro-tip: You can also use proposal add-ons to position any additional services you'd like to offer or make visible to your clients.

Here are a few add-ons services for an ITR as an example:

  1. Tax Audit Insurance

  2. Early Tax Return Service (e.g. July/August returns charged at a cheaper rate, or by discount)

Scenario 2 - Creating and sending ITR proposals in bulk

Please ensure that you have followed all the Steps in Scenario 1 first before proceeding to this section.

Step 1: Now that you have your proposal template, you'll need to get a list together of clients whom you would like to bulk create proposals for.
In your Ignition account, navigate to your Clients tab.

If you do not have your client list imported as leads, click Import β†’ Upload CSV β†’ Download the client import template to download a spreadsheet that you can add your client details to. Once you've uploaded these clients to Ignition, export them out again (so there is a client ID attached to it)

Step 2: Navigate to the Clients tab and select the clients you would like to engage. Once the client list is selected, click + Create proposal.

From the template library pop-up window, select the template you would like to use.

Confirm the proposal details, edit the proposal name and select the proposal start date On acceptance or On a specific date. Click Create proposals.

​Step 3: Proposals will begin to be created. Review your proposals as needed. You can send out proposals individually or select more than 1 to send in bulk from the Pipeline tabβ†’ Send.

πŸš€ Ready to start creating proposals in bulk?

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